I’m officially back in the game, only hopefully a new and improved version of myself :). I started back full time at work and have been excercising pretty consistently the past couple of weeks - running 1-3 miles a day and doing yoga, weight training and a lot of stretching to get my body to bend again the way it did before :).
I feel 90-95% back to my normal self with just a few souvenirs left to remind me where I've been. Mild hotflashes are still lingering, a few challenges with pain at the surgerical sites and some slight achiness in my feet. But on the upside, I've lost about half of the weight I gained from chemo and my hair is long enough that people I haven't seen in awhile are commenting on my new hair cut - lol!
I continue to visit my Oncologist every 3 months to make sure I am still "cancer free" and will see my doctor the end of this month to determine when my surgery to remove scar tissue will be. For now I am holding off on taking Tamoxifen - the medication many patients take post-chemo. For me the benefit is very small, since my tumor was not estrogen positive. But it is something I will continue to discuss with my doctor over the next year, since I want to do everything in my power to safeguard against future issues. I am just really enjoying having my life back and seeing how much I can accomplish in one day is absolutely wonderful!
And I even signed up for a fun event to support breast cancer awareness and research - it is a Susan G. Komen snowshoeing walk/race. Some great friends who have been supportive through my journey are doing it with me - our team is called the "Bosom Buddies" and we are planning to be the most enthusiastic, highest fundraising group in the race! If you'd like to help here's the link:

I feel 90-95% back to my normal self with just a few souvenirs left to remind me where I've been. Mild hotflashes are still lingering, a few challenges with pain at the surgerical sites and some slight achiness in my feet. But on the upside, I've lost about half of the weight I gained from chemo and my hair is long enough that people I haven't seen in awhile are commenting on my new hair cut - lol!
I continue to visit my Oncologist every 3 months to make sure I am still "cancer free" and will see my doctor the end of this month to determine when my surgery to remove scar tissue will be. For now I am holding off on taking Tamoxifen - the medication many patients take post-chemo. For me the benefit is very small, since my tumor was not estrogen positive. But it is something I will continue to discuss with my doctor over the next year, since I want to do everything in my power to safeguard against future issues. I am just really enjoying having my life back and seeing how much I can accomplish in one day is absolutely wonderful!
And I even signed up for a fun event to support breast cancer awareness and research - it is a Susan G. Komen snowshoeing walk/race. Some great friends who have been supportive through my journey are doing it with me - our team is called the "Bosom Buddies" and we are planning to be the most enthusiastic, highest fundraising group in the race! If you'd like to help here's the link:
As I reflect on the last year and the challenges I have faced, I know that I have gained so much more than I have lost. Given the chance to erase this experience from my life I wouldn't do it because now I have a different view of the world that I wouldn't trade:
- I have less fear and more faith than I did before I started
- I have less loneliness and have come to know that I have many more friends than I ever realized
- I have come to know that true beauty comes from the inside out and radiates in the way we live our lives and fulfill the measure of our creation.
- I have less loneliness and have come to know that I have many more friends than I ever realized
- I have come to know on a deeper level that no matter what situation we find ourselves in life there is always someone who is much worse off than we are.
Choosing gratitude is so much easier and enjoyable than questioning God's wisdom in allowing us to experience whatever trial or difficulty we are going through. I don't know why I was chosen for this particular trial but I do wonder why I was blessed to have been delivered from so many things that have happened to others in similar circumstances.
I know that where much is given, much is required and it is now time for me to give back.
“And secondly, he doth require that ye should do as he hath commanded you; for which if ye do, he doth immediately bless you; and therefore he hath paid you. And ye are still indebted unto him, and are, and will be, forever and ever; therefore, of what have ye to boast?”
- Mosiah 2:23-24